In honor of Memorial Day, Stella decided she wanted to search for flag themed items around my home. First of all, she spotted my Goodwill flag bucket containing faux red geraniums. The blue candle sits on a wooden Americana holder which I found at a garage sale. The arrangement is on top of a star covered placement which I purchased for about a dollar or so when our local K-Mart had deep discounts for its closing.

Stella said that Memorial Day was a wonderful American holiday, but as she is from England, she wanted to remember British soldiers who served for her country. She asked if we could post a British flag. Why of course, Stella!

Stella spotted this little God Bless America picture right next to the front door. You all know how much she likes teddy bears!

Stella really liked my Americana themed arrangement and my candles which spell Kady.

She hopped right up onto my big picket fence flag.

Stella thought that it was quite an honor that I had this flag which as the oldest child in the family, I received at my father's funeral.

She had so much fun looking for all the Americana!
She also had fun laughing at me over my broken van window. Yes, yes I did do something pretty stupid. I had my lawnmower in the back as we had to go mow the lawn at Bonnie Lane, and when I went a little too sharply around a corner, the lawnmower handle came crashing into the window. It is now covered with a black garbage bag and looking pretty ghetto. This little accident did not happen at a good time since I am unemployed.

This traffic ticket (in blue) also came at a bad time. Yes, it was my fault, but I really didn't know that I couldn't turn left onto the street the library was on! Apparently I am the only person in town who didn't know this.

Well Stella wanted to do something on her own for Blue Monday, and said that I would be surprised!
But nothing prepared me for this!

Oh Stella, what have you done! You're all blue!!!
Stella said that she thought it would be fun to paint herself blue. No no, dear! That can't be healthy! Well the Blue Men do it! Yeah, but they get paid pretty well for it too.
Thank heavens that a nice bubble bath returned her to normal! I guess I better keep track of her a little more closely.

Thanks Shelia for letting me borrow the picture from your blog!
I also want to thank all of our servicemen, both past and present for their service to our country. Thanks to my brother Dave for serving in the Army during peace time, thanks to my father for serving in World War II, and to my grandfather for serving in World War I. Thanks also to my daughter's father who served in Vietnam, and my former father-in-law for serving in the Korean conflict. You are all appreciated.
Have a very special Memorial Day Blue Monday everyone! I hope your day was spent with family and loved ones.
Come back tomorrow for a shocking Stella post!
Great blue Monday post, Kady! I'm glad you were able to get Stella back to normal!
Enjoyed seeing all of your Americana! Love that you got to keep the flag. What an honor!
And imagine Stella trying to become a Smurf! LOL!
Happy Memorial Day/Blue Monday...
Sheila :-)
Little Miss Stella Smurf...hahaaa..
Have a blessed and happy holiday...
xo bj
Love your post with Stella! That silly girl, going blue on us like that. I am so glad she got clean again. Love the Americana decor at your place. I bet you can guess what was my fav thing.....yep the teddy bear picture!! Love, love, love it. Oh, I better not let Helmi see it. She might beg me to go and visit you to take it. I will tell her that is not the right thing to do silly bear. I have family from all the wars too. Uncles in WWI, father-in-law in WWII. Father and uncle in the Korean War, hubby in Vietnam War and brother in the Navy during peace time. Happy Memorial Day to you too.
What a wonderful post. Have a happy holiday and enjoy Blue Monday.
Hi Kady
I was wondering what ever happened to Stella!
Have a wonderful Memorial Day and what a great time to remember those that paid the price for our freedom!
happy blue Monday.
That Stella is a handful! Happy Blue Monday.
Wonderful Blue Monday post! I really like the star over the cute shelf. Stella is pretty cute herself!
Love all your Blue Monday pictures. Thanks for sharing and happy Memorial Day.
This was fun fun fun! Now I want to paint a bucket with flag stripes too!
Very nice (except for the ticket, bummer). Happy Memorial Day!
Oh boy, I thought for sure you'd give Stella a spanking for dying herself blue!!! I'm glad to hear that a bubble bath brought her back to her pearly beautifulness.
Happy Memorial Day!
Justine :o )
Stella did a great job gathering red/white/blue! I hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend surrounded by family and friends! ~ Susan
you have GREAT red, white and BLUE decor! i love it:)
I was wondering where Stella was and there she is all decked out in her red white and blue.
You gave her wonderful memories.
Happy Blue Monday and Happy Memorial Day.
Love Claudie
Sorry to hear about your misfortunes at this time - isn't that always the way it goes? That silly Stella - painting herself blue- well, I never...LOL. It's a good thing it came off! I really like your Patriotic decor! ~ Happy Memorial Day! ~ Robyn
such a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing. Happy Memorial Day to you!
Happy Blue Monday !!!!
great post today.
blessings to you.
So glad that Stella is learning some things about America's Independence Day, and I'm so glad that she didn't turn into a smurf! Cute post. laurie
Forgot to tell you how sorry I am about your window and your ticket! Man! When it rains it pours! laurie
What a cute post, Kady! That Stella! She just has to get into a few fixes doesn't she!?
BE a sweetie and I'm sorry about your window and your ticket!
Shelia :)
I hope you had a blessed Memorial Day! Sorry about the ticket... what a bummer!
Happy Memorial Day Kady. I love all your americana things. They are lovely. Thanks for the british flag too. We remember our service men on Remembrance day in November which is the 11th day of the 11th month at 11 o'clock.
I thought I remembered seeing this, Kady, and I did as I commented on it above! LOL!
Have enjoyed your Stella stories...
Sheila :-)
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